Youth of Virginia Speak Out About Traffic Safety (YOVASO) is a statewide teen traffic safety organization. Their goal is to engage, educate, and empower youth to influence a safe driving culture through leadership development and innovative outreach programs.


We met with the YOVASO team to better understand their needs and how they wish to use the website. YOVASO’s audience consists of students, teachers, police officers, parents, and donors. We needed to create a versatile website that would showcase the ways for each group to get involved with the nonprofit, as well as developing resources for existing members.  

We used their lively color palette and plethora of photos to develop an energizing website. Because the call to action might be very different for new users versus returning users, teachers versus students, we had to create a system to get visitors where they need to go. The bold, clear calls to action below the header provide immediate guidance. In addition to a clear, informative layout, YOVASO needed an easy-to-use calendar and donate button. This new website is simple to edit for staff and has a long life ahead of it.

In working with YOVASO, Purpose Craft-er, Sarah, executed statewide campaigns, designed educational materials, and oversaw a rebranding process.


With a small team, the YOVASO staff members wear many different hats. We have been working with YOVASO for many years on various projects. In 2019, YOVASO needed an updated website embracing the latest design and technology.

"Educate, engage, empower"
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