The Happy Shoes Project

In the face of a battle with colon cancer and lengthy treatments, Sandi Sammons shared her hope and light with others through her words. With her feet propped up and her tablet in hand, Sandi snapped a photo of her “happy shoes” and began writing her story, more and more with each treatment. For nearly two years, Sandi used her “happy shoes” and her words as a way to lift up her joy, frustrations, faith, and inspiration to the world until her passing in April 2017.

Today, Sandi’s legacy continues through the work of her husband, Keith, and The Happy Shoes Project.


As a young organization, The Happy Shoes Project, needed marketing and design support for their first #GivingTuesday campaign. With less than a month before the day of giving, we were tasked with developing marketing recommendations, creating a social media plan with graphics, and updating their website to optimize for giving. We knew we wanted to focus on storytelling — Sandi's stories, the stories of other cancer patients, and the stories of the organization.

Through weekly check-ins, we were able to provide higher-level strategy and guidance leading up to #GivingTuesday. We created a content calendar for social media, as well as a giving toolkit that could be shared with supporters. In partnership with Megan Dodds, we worked with the Happy Shoes team to build out content on Buffer to automatically share on #GivingTuesday, allowing the team to be agile and responsive on the day of giving.

Additionally, we optimized the website for giving through redeveloping the site navigation and hierarchy, introducing a giving portal, and curating meaningful copy through the entire website.

The result was over $10,000 raised on #GivingTuesday.


The Happy Shoes Project inspires cancer patients to keep walking with encouragement, support, and inspiration. They distribute totes filled with items to make cancer treatment more comfortable and positive. Our goal was to help Keith and his family raise enough funds to support more patients on their journey.

“What do you do when you are walking through a process of healing? You keep walking! Moving forward each day in faith, one step at a time.” - Sandi Sammons
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