
Limitless is a publication built to create a community of women surviving and thriving with Rheumatoid Arthritis. It was created by Purpose Craft Co-founder, Sarah Obenauer. Sarah was diagnosed with the disease when she was 16 years old. Over the years, she noticed that there weren’t many resources available for young women to make them feel comfortable with the disease they were battling.


We began by getting to know the audience, as well as the current landscape of resources that serve women with chronic diseases. The 'doom and gloom' surrounding these resources was in direct contrast with the goals of Limitless. We worked to develop a young, light image that projects opportunity, possibility, and growth.

We developed the brand first with a delicate, simple flower to symbolize the opportunity for growth and beauty in the face of a disease. Flowers continue to grow and flourish when they are cared for and nourished.

Limitless was conceptualized as a print magazine distributed to doctors, community organizations, and others supporting those with Rheumatoid Arthritis. We developed the first volume of the print publication including layout, design elements, and copy. We worked with guest writers to contribute their unique perspectives and stories to the publication.

To make the content more dynamic and readily accessible, we designed and implemented a website for the blog using Webflow. This allows for additional growth of the community and the content.


As an entirely new effort, Limitless needed everything from strategy to branding, as well as implementation across both print and web. We needed something to speak to this niche audience.

"Over the past decade, I have searched for a place where I could connect with other young adults, particularly women, suffering from, and thriving with RA and other autoimmune diseases. It can be hard to find your people and a place where you belong when you don’t see yourself in the disease, when you watch a commercial or read a magazine and all you can see is the face of someone much older."
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