ELLA is an all-day lounge that donates 100% of their profits to charities that benefit womxn in NYC and beyond. Rather than simply make a profit, ELLA implements an innovative form of conscious capitalism. They cover their costs, pay fair wages, and then donate the rest.


We led a series of character and aesthetic exercises with ELLA to get to know the purpose and distinct attributes of their lounge, their higher-level goals, and their current challenges. After conversations with womxn leaders at different nonprofits—small and large—as part of our market research, we pulled together our findings.

We developed core philosophies to drive their marketing activities. These were crafted with the unique goals and attributes of ELLA in mind.

We explored their current strategy and marketing channels to hone in on actionable marketing tactics. These tactics will help attract and support womxn-focused nonprofits while being flexible to allow ELLA staff to alter and adjust far into the future.

A concise and compelling pitch is absolutely necessary to stand out and connect with others in a meaningful way. We developed an elevator pitch for ELLA, as well as email content intended for their nonprofit audience.

Finally, we created a one-pager specifically for their nonprofit audience to showcase the benefits of joining forces with ELLA and other information about this curious and innovative initiative.


ELLA is remixing philanthropy by donating 100% of their proceeds to womxn-focused and driven organizations across the city. This all-day lounge takes the planning out of fundraising for nonprofits making an impact. So sit back, grab a snack, take a sip, and immerse yourself in the community and experience of ELLA.

The founder of ELLA hired us to craft strategy, language, and some initial design to attract nonprofit beneficiaries.

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