Driver's Seat

Driver’s Seat empowers rideshare drivers and on-demand delivery people to use their own data to take back control of their time and earn more for their work. They also work to help cities and businesses shape the gig economy with transportation and workforce analytics based on our unique driver-generated datasets.


The organization was established a few years ago with initial branding for the logo and website, but as the app has been advanced, the branding for their communication channels fell behind. We worked with the founders to better define the brand, and bring some of their app's visual identity into their other communication channels, particularly their website. We used their existing website on the Squarespace platform to make adjustments on tight deadline.

We also partnered together to craft a slide deck as the organization looked for additional funding. This pitch deck needed to stand alone, because they would be sending it to potential funders via email, as well as work within a formal presentation format.


In 2021, Driver's Seat began seeking additional funding for their efforts, with the goal to expand into new regions, increase autonomy for rideshare drivers, and improve cities. We were tasked with expanding their existing branding and developing a simple, clear, and brief slide deck to share with potential funders. Our goal was to visualize and make existing data interesting to these audiences and to help share their story and unique personality through design.

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