Centro de los Derechos del Migrante

Centro de los Derechos del Migrante supports Mexico-based migrant workers to defend and protect their rights as they move between their home communities in Mexico and their workplaces in the United States. With a binational, multilingual staff and geographic reach, they have grown in response to increasing needs for their advocacy and services to overcome the border as a barrier to justice.


In partnership with Daniela Ray, we started this process by getting to know the founder of the organization and the founding story. We had conversations to more deeply and authentically get to know CDM, the purpose for what they do, what problems they were solving, how they are solving them, and what made them unique.

We led character exercises to develop a personality for CDM as an organization, audience exercises to understand the variety of audiences who engage with CDM on a regular basis, and aesthetic exercises to start the process of building a visual identity.

Through collaboration with CDM, we developed a mood board for inspiration, suggestions for a new name and tagline, and logo concepts moving forward.


As they prepared to celebrate their 15 year anniversary in service of migrant workers' rights, Centro de los Derechos del Migrante was looking for an entirely new brand identity including the potential for a new name, renewed and refreshed tagline, and a distinct visual identity.

This brand would drive their organization forward as they embarked on the next stage of their journey and organizational growth.

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