Branding with Purpose

Branding with Purpose is a curriculum that we developed over a decade of working with purpose-driven organizations. Branding with Purpose details the importance of a brand built on meaning, how to apply the why of your organization, and how to make the best strategic decisions. This curriculum is intended to help organizations develop their branding, starting with their internal brand, through a curated toolkit and/or two-week email course.


We studied nearly a decade’s worth of information, exercises, lessons learned, case studies, and much more. We distilled this information into the most critical pieces and crafted an outline to build the content.

After conversations with previous clients, we developed two mediums to distribute the information – the email course for beginners needing an introduction to branding, and a more in-depth curated toolkit for those ready to facilitate their own branding process.  

We developed the course content and structure, designed and distributed the emails, and crafted the toolkit including layout, design elements, and copy.

We were also commissioned to create a toolkit and training for faith-based organizations and churches that has been launched and will be available for licensing this fall.


Branding with Purpose is meant to be accessible to all socially-focused organizations and businesses, whether brand new or a century old. The information should be easy to digest, actionable, and designed in a way that helps the student understand the content.

"Your brand is your story. It requires care, nurturing, and a deep understanding of your purpose."
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